Declaration of Dependence

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Protocol Zero: Implementation

Applicability is the most important part of a design concept.

The implementation of an order has a short and humorous story, the narration of which is not stodgy before explaining this protocol:

“One day in a forest, a squirrel on a tree saw an elephant fleeing at full speed:

- Oh Elephant! Why are you running away with this big body of yours?”

+ “The King of the jungle has ordered all the giraffes' necks to be broken,” the frightened elephant stopped and answered breathlessly.

- “Ok then! King of the jungle has said giraffes' necks should be broken, so why are you so scared and running away?!!” the squirrel asks in surprise.

+ “Unfortunately, the king has entrusted the implementation of this order to a donkey!" the elephant replied!”


This short story shows the importance of implementation and the importance of this protocol, discussed in more detail in the following lines and pages.

(Please for the rest of the text, download the complete ebook.)


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